Monday, August 27, 2012

First Post

First Post

Hey its my first post if you didn't get that already. I guess I'll tell you a little about myself. I was born and raised in Eugene, Oregon, a place in which I still love to this day. Coming to New Mexico for schooling was a choice I made after attending the local community college for three years, and realizing I needed to do something with my life. I wanted a big change, something that would offer me a new perspective on life. I picked Albuquerque because I was intrigued by big city life, also its large art and outdoor community. This will be my third photography class, but my first working with the digital manipulation of photos. Being my first photography class in some time, I'm excited to jump right in. I can tell this is going to be a great term and can't wait to see everyones work.  

Just stumbled on this Photo and thought it was cool. It was taken by Phillippe Halsman, who became good friends with Salvador Dali and took this un-manipulated photo of seemingly floating objects including Dali himself. It amazingly took him only 28 tries to get this photo.

Dali Atomicus (1949)
Philippe Halsman

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