Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Artist Analysis #2

Andreas Gursky

Andreas Gursky is a german photographer known for his images of industrial buildings, and landscapes. He uses a wide angle lens and prefers shooting from high vantage points. He shoots on large format color film making his images extremely vivid and detailed from the closest subject to the furthest. Andreas is not so much interested in capturing humans as individuals, but focusing more on the human species as a whole and their interaction with the environment. Much of his work is highly manipulated in post processing which gives his work a kind of surreal look almost like a painting. 
The picture above was taken at the Time Square Marriott in New York. As you can see here, this image was highly manipulated, from the intense colors to the vines hanging from the building. The composition uses patterns and perspective lines to draw the viewers eye. Although its a very generic and anonymous place and point of view, he is able to capture it in the most dynamic fashion. Much of what influenced his work, came from his teachers at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in Germany, where he learned how to systematically photograph industrial machinery and architecture. Also from landscape photographers such as John Davies, who strongly influenced Andreas to switch from street level photography to high vantage point photography. Looking at his work for me provides new and interesting ways of thinking about photography and how its important to not be afraid to edit your photos to get the look and feeling that you want.   

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